Julz at Journey Into Healing

Welcome to Journey Into Healing.  My name is Julz Hallmann and I live near Winchester in Hampshire.  I have always been spiritual and held a strong belief of the before and afterlife.  I was born with two rare conditions and spent my early months in an incubator.  Because of having no metabolism, I experienced several NDEs (Near Death Experiences) which have gifted me with a close and pure connection to Source Energy for which I am immensely grateful.

I discovered energy healing back in the 2010's through a meditation group  run by a friend in my village.   I was drawn to energy healing, so I embarked on a comprehensive two-year course and qualified as a healer in 2019. 

In the last year I have become involved with Āyā Healing.  They are a non-profit organisation based in Cornwall.  I work in association with them and am one of their Network Healers.  Please see the Āyā Healing page for more information on what we are about and how we can help you.

What I offer

I would be delighted to direct healing to you or someone you love distantly via meditation/visualisation, using a healing couch as a visualisation guide.  I am also happy to provide in person hands-on healing to those living local to me.  We can arrange a time for you to be undisturbed for up to an hour and relax, allowing yourself to be open to healing energies. 

Being a healer is not about being a crutch to lean on, but as a way-marker to equip you with the tools to heal yourself.

I do not charge for healing, but if you can afford to and would like to make a donation, it will be gratefully received.  Any donations will be used to support the work of Āyā Healing, which is leading the silent inner-peace revolution. aya-healing.world

If you would like to request distance healing for yourself or someone else, please fill out the form on the Healing Requests page with your/their details and a description of the reason for the request.

Thank you for visiting and I look forward to connecting with you to support your Journey Into Healing.

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